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How the 12 Steps Helped Me Find The Secret of Getting Ahead Is Getting Started

Writer: Sober AA MemberSober AA Member

Have you ever felt stuck, like you want to move forward but something is holding you back? That’s exactly how I felt before I discovered the power of the 12 Steps. These steps aren’t just a list; they are a pathway to freedom and growth. Let me tell you how they helped me find the secret of getting ahead.

Step 1: Admitting Powerlessness

It all started with admitting that I couldn’t do it alone. I had to face the fact that I was powerless over my struggles. This step taught me humility and the courage to ask for help.

Step 2: Believing in a Higher Power

Once I admitted my powerlessness, I learned to believe in a Higher Power greater than myself. For me, this Higher Power is God. Believing gave me hope and a sense of direction.

Step 3: Turning Over Control

Next, I made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understood Him. This step taught me to let go of trying to control everything and trust in a greater plan.

Step 4: Taking a Moral Inventory

Taking a fearless moral inventory of myself wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. I had to face my faults and shortcomings honestly. This step helped me see where I needed to change.

Step 5: Admitting Wrongs

Admitting to God, to myself, and to another human being the exact nature of my wrongs was a huge step towards healing. It taught me the importance of honesty and accountability.

Step 6: Being Ready for Change

I became entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. This step taught me about readiness and willingness to change for the better.

Step 7: Asking for Help

Humbly asking God to remove my shortcomings was a turning point. It taught me to rely on God’s strength rather than my own.

Step 8: Making Amends

Making a list of all persons I had harmed and being willing to make amends to them was about taking responsibility for my actions. It taught me about humility and making things right.

Step 9: Making Amends

Making direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others, taught me about courage and integrity.

Step 10: Taking Personal Inventory

Continuing to take personal inventory and when I was wrong promptly admitting it taught me to stay accountable and grow every day.

Step 11: Seeking Spiritual Awareness

Seeking through prayer and meditation to improve my conscious contact with God as I understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for me and the power to carry that out, deepened my spiritual journey.

Step 12: Helping Others

Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, I tried to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all my affairs.

The 12 Steps aren’t just about overcoming addiction; they are a guide to living a purposeful and meaningful life. They taught me that the secret of getting ahead is getting started—taking that first step towards change and growth. By following these steps, I found the courage to face my challenges, the strength to overcome them, and the wisdom to help others along the way.

I love you and you gottawanna be loving to yourself as well



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