Our bodies are living, breathing expressions of our consciousness. For a long time, I did not see it that way. I treated my body like a machine, something that just carried me from place to place. I ignored its signals, filled it with stress, and did not take care of it the way I should. But through God, Al-Anon, a home group meeting, and the 12 Steps, I learned to see my body differently. I learned to respect it, care for it, and understand that it reflects my inner world.
Al-Anon taught me that I cannot control others, but I can take responsibility for myself. That includes my body. I used to believe that my body did not matter much. If I was exhausted, I would push through. If I was in pain, I would ignore it. I had spent so much time worrying about someone else’s choices that I forgot to listen to my own needs.
At my home group meetings, I heard people share about self-care. I listened as they talked about learning to rest, eat well, and move their bodies in ways that felt good. They spoke about how their emotions affected their health. I began to see a pattern. People who worked the 12 Steps and leaned on God started to treat their bodies with more kindness. They became more at peace, and their bodies reflected that peace.
Working the 12 Steps helped me accept my body as a part of my spiritual journey. Step One taught me that I was powerless over others and that my life had become unmanageable. That included how I treated my body. Step Two reminded me that a Higher Power could restore me to sanity. That meant trusting God with my whole self, including my physical health. Step Three led me to turn my will and life over to God’s care. If my body was a living, breathing expression of my consciousness, then caring for it was part of following God’s plan.
I started making changes. I paid attention when I felt tired and let myself rest. I ate food that gave me energy instead of running on coffee and sugar. I found ways to move my body that felt good instead of punishing. I learned to breathe deeply when I was stressed instead of holding tension in my shoulders. Each small step helped me see that my body and my spirit were connected.
God showed me that my body was not separate from my soul. He created me as a whole person. When I treated my body with love, I felt more peace inside. When I ignored it, I felt restless and anxious. God did not want me to live that way. He gave me a body to live in, not to fight against.
Through Al-Anon, my home group, and the 12 Steps, I learned that my body reflects my inner world. When I care for my soul, my body responds with more energy, peace, and strength. When I neglect my spirit, my body shows it through stress, exhaustion, and illness.
Accepting this truth changed how I live. Now, I treat my body with respect, knowing that it is a gift from God and a reflection of the love and peace He gives me.

Thank you God for healing me and awaking my soul, my spirt and my body. You gottawanna be happy joyous and free. I love you.