"Hope is independent of the apparatus of logic." - Norman Cousins
“We examined our lives and discovered who we really are. To be truly humble is to accept and honestly try to be ourselves.” Basic Text, p. 36 www.na.org
NA has no classes of membership and no second‐class members. The common denominator in NA is the disease of addiction. We are all equally subject to its devastation. We share an equal right to recovery.
—It Works, Tradition Three, “Applying spiritual principles” www.na.org
Humility Grounds Us
The practice of humility helps us be honest about our circumstances. We learn to live and give within the limits of our lives.
—Guiding Principles, Tradition Seven, “For Members www.na.org
"We are all gifted. That is our inheritance." - Ethel Waters
When you know your worth, no one can make you feel worthless. Sushil Aggarwal - Entrepreneur-Philanthropist Home | Sushil Aggarwal