That’s unlikely. You’re rarely going to get the freedom and resources to do your best work unfettered. The hard part (and the opportunity) is to figure out how to get comfortable with fettered. Because fettered is what’s on offer. Boundaries and scarcity aren’t simply impediments. They’re leverage points and opportunities.
unfettered adjective un·fet·tered ˌən-ˈfe-tərd
: not controlled or restricted : FREE, UNRESTRAINEDunfettered access to the Senate.—Joshua Miller … an approach to reading which combined passion and empathy with free-ranging enthusiasm and unfettered curiosity.—Jonathan Keates If popular government is about anything, it is about the unfettered right of the voters to choose their leaders.—Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. … few voices in modern American intellectual life have challenged the primacy of the unfettered individual.—Walter Shapiro
Gottawanna live the unfettered way of life