For much of my life, I rushed through my days without really seeing the world around me. I focused on problems, worries, and things I couldn’t control. Beauty was always there, but I missed it. Then, with the help of God, my home group, my sponsor, and the 12 Steps, I learned to slow down and open my eyes. I found that beauty isn’t just in grand moments—it’s everywhere. And when I see beauty, I see God’s handwriting.
Lost in the Noise
Before I found the 12 Steps, my mind was filled with noise. I judged, I worried, I held onto anger and fear. I didn’t think I had time to notice a sunrise, a child’s laughter, or the kindness of a stranger. My heart felt heavy because I was focused on what was wrong instead of what was right.
A New Way of Seeing
When I started working the Steps, my sponsor encouraged me to take an honest look at my life. I learned that my thinking was clouded by fear and control. My home group reminded me that I wasn’t alone. Through sharing, listening, and praying, I began to see the world differently. I realized that beauty isn’t something rare—it’s always present when I choose to look.
The 12 Steps Opened My Eyes
Step 1 taught me humility. I admitted I wasn’t in control, and that helped me stop rushing and start noticing.
Step 2 helped me believe. If I trusted God, I could see His presence in the world around me.
Step 3 invited me to surrender. Letting go of my expectations allowed me to appreciate life as it is.
Step 4 helped me clear away resentment. When I stopped focusing on what was wrong, I had space to see what was beautiful.
Step 11 deepened my connection with God. Through prayer and meditation, I felt His presence more clearly.
God’s Handwriting is Everywhere
One day, I stepped outside after a meeting and noticed golden light filtering through the trees. It was so simple, but it took my breath away. In that moment, I knew—beauty is God’s way of saying, “I am here.”
Now, I see His handwriting in:
The way my home group supports each other
The laughter of friends who once felt broken
The warmth of the sun on my face
The peace I feel when I trust Him
Never Missing Beauty Again
Today, I try to never lose an opportunity to see beauty. I pause. I breathe. I thank God. My sponsor reminds me that life is full of gifts, and my home group helps me remember to keep looking for them.
I used to be blind to beauty. Now, with the help of God, the 12 Steps, my home group, and my sponsor, I see His handwriting everywhere. And that has changed everything.

Let it go be free I love you we can walk through the fear and anger and find peace, love and joy. You gottawanna live life with pure happiness with gratitude.