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Moving Forward with Al-Anon: How I Stopped Blaming Others and Found Growth

Growing up can sometimes feel like a never-ending maze of challenges and obstacles. As a fifth-grader, I didn't fully understand what it meant to grow and mature, but I did know one thing for sure: I was tired of feeling unhappy and blaming others for my problems. That's when I discovered Al-Anon, a supportive community that helped me understand that growth is about moving forward, taking responsibility for our feelings, and finding happiness within ourselves.

Understanding Growth:

Growth is like taking steps on a staircase. Each step represents progress, and when we keep moving forward, we reach new heights. Just like climbing a staircase, growing up means facing difficult situations, making mistakes, and learning from them. However, it's important to remember that growth is not only about getting older; it's about becoming a better person on the inside.

The Blame Game:

Before I found Al-Anon, I used to blame others for my unhappiness. When things didn't go my way, I would point fingers at my friends, family, and teachers, thinking they were the cause of my problems. But as I learned from Al-Anon, blaming others doesn't make us happier or help us grow. It's like trying to climb a staircase by standing still – it doesn't get us anywhere.

Al-Anon's Support:

Al-Anon is a special place where people who have been affected by someone else's drinking come together to support one another. In Al-Anon, I learned that I couldn't control other people's actions, but I could control how I reacted to them. This was a big "aha" moment for me. It meant that instead of blaming others, I could take charge of my own happiness and growth.

Taking Responsibility:

Al-Anon taught me that taking responsibility for my own feelings and actions was the key to personal growth. It's like having a magic wand that can turn a bad day into a good one. Instead of saying, "It's their fault I'm upset," I started saying, "I have the power to choose how I feel." This simple shift in thinking made a world of difference.

Learning and Growing:

With the support of Al-Anon, I began to understand that life is full of ups and downs, and that's okay. Every experience, good or bad, is a chance to learn and grow. It's like adding more steps to our staircase of life. I realized that instead of blaming others for the challenges I faced, I could use those challenges as opportunities to become a stronger and happier person.


In fifth grade, I discovered that growth is about moving forward, taking responsibility for our feelings, and finding happiness within ourselves. Al-Anon played a crucial role in helping me stop blaming others for my unhappiness and start taking control of my own life. By understanding that I had the power to choose how I reacted to life's challenges, I found the courage to keep climbing the staircase of growth, one step at a time. So, if you ever find yourself feeling unhappy or blaming others, remember that you have the power to grow and find happiness within yourself, just like I did with the help of Al-Anon.

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