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Generosity: The Antidote to Fear

Writer: Sober AA MemberSober AA Member

Fear used to control me. I feared not having enough—enough time, enough money, enough love. I held on tightly to everything, afraid to lose what little I had. But God, my sponsor, and the 12 Steps taught me something different. They showed me that generosity is the key to freedom. When I give freely, my heart fills with peace, love, and joy.

Fear Keeps Us Stuck

Fear whispers lies. It tells us we will run out, that we must protect what we have, that others will take advantage of us. I used to listen to these lies. I clung to what I had, thinking it would make me feel safe. But instead, I felt alone, anxious, and exhausted from always trying to control things.

Through the 12 Steps, I learned that fear is just another form of self-centeredness. It keeps us focused on ourselves—our worries, our needs, our survival. But Step Three challenged me to turn my will and my life over to God. That meant trusting Him to provide.

Learning to Give

My sponsor helped me see that generosity is not just about money. It’s about time, kindness, and love. She showed me that small acts of giving can break the chains of fear. She encouraged me to:

  • Listen when someone needed to talk.

  • Offer encouragement instead of judgment.

  • Help with simple tasks, even when I felt busy.

  • Share my experience, strength, and hope with others.

Each time I gave, something amazing happened—I felt lighter. Instead of feeling drained, I felt full. Instead of fear, I felt joy.

God’s Promise: We Will Be Filled

God’s Word tells us, “Give, and it will be given to you” (Luke 6:38). I never truly understood this until I started living it. The more I gave, the more I received—not in material things, but in peace and purpose.

The 12 Steps taught me to focus on others. When I stopped worrying about myself and started serving, my problems didn’t feel so big anymore. Fear lost its grip on me.

Generosity in Action

Now, I try to live generously every day. I give freely in my relationships, in my recovery, and in my faith. When I let go of fear and trust God, I experience a life of abundance—not in things, but in love, joy, and connection.

If fear is keeping you stuck, try giving. Give your time. Give your love. Give your prayers. The more you give, the more your heart will fill. God promises it, and I’ve seen it come true.

I love you because you are God's child and that is just the way it is. You gottawanna live free.



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