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Writer's pictureSober AA Member

Free from hate

”I feel sorry for anybody that could let hate wrap them up. Ain’t no such thing as I can hate anybody and hope to see God’s face.” – Fannie Lou Hamer

Hate Quotes on the Dark Side of Human Nature

Hatred is a feeling that everyone has experienced in their lives.

It’s easy to feel hateful especially if you’ve been betrayed or hurt by someone you trusted.

According to research from the University of Chicago, individuals who experience anger and hatred are more likely to engage in impulsive and aggressive behavior.

This highlights the importance of managing negative emotions to prevent harmful actions.

Hate is a profound emotion that can pollute your spirit and poison your soul.

If you have hate in your life, you probably know how damaging and mind-consuming it can become.

Hate can:

  • weaken you emotionally

  • affect your body’s organs and natural processes

  • make other people want to avoid you

Although it’s human nature to feel hate, you shouldn’t let your emotions get the best of you.

When you begin to feel hateful thoughts, consciously challenge them and replace them with calmer rational thoughts.

Understand why you’re feeling hateful and find a solution to the problem.

Research from the University of California, Santa Barbara, has found that individuals who experience hate and intolerance towards others are more likely to experience decreased well-being and increased stress.

This emphasizes the importance of cultivating empathy and compassion towards others.

You gottawanna be free of hate. Live and let live. Let go of the past. Drop the anchor and please move on but thank you for the loving thoughts and prayers we all need them. Thank you Al-Anon and Alcoholics Anonymous for showing us through the 12 steps and His Grace how to live in the answer not the problem.

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