In life, we often face criticism and attacks from others. These words can hurt deeply, making us feel small or unworthy. Yet, through my journey with God and the Al-Anon program, I've learned a valuable lesson: it's crucial not to let these criticisms penetrate our hearts.
When someone criticizes us, it's easy to feel defensive or hurt. We might want to lash out or retreat into ourselves. However, Al-Anon teaches us a different approach. It encourages us to turn to a higher power—God—for guidance and strength. For me, this higher power has been a source of comfort and wisdom, helping me navigate through difficult times.
The 12 Steps of Al-Anon provide a roadmap for finding peace amidst turmoil.
Step One teaches us to admit our powerlessness over others' actions and words. This acknowledgment frees us from the burden of trying to control what others think or say about us. Instead, it shifts our focus inward, encouraging us to reflect on our own thoughts and behaviors.
Step Two invites us to believe in a power greater than ourselves. For many, including myself, this power is God. Believing in God's presence and love allows us to feel supported and protected, even in the face of criticism.
Step Three encourages us to surrender our will and our lives to the care of God. This step reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. By trusting in God's plan, we can find peace and acceptance, knowing that He has a purpose for everything that happens.
Steps Four through Nine guide us through a process of self-reflection, forgiveness, and making amends. These steps help us take responsibility for our own actions and let go of resentments towards others. They teach us to focus on what we can control—our own thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors—rather than dwelling on the negativity of criticism.
Steps Ten through Twelve encourage us to continue our spiritual journey, to seek personal growth, and to help others in need. By practicing these principles in all areas of our lives, we learn to love those who are hurting, including ourselves. We learn to respond to criticism with compassion and understanding, recognizing that everyone has their own struggles and insecurities.
Through God and the Al-Anon program, I've discovered that accepting criticism doesn't mean accepting negativity into my heart. Instead, it's an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. It's a chance to focus on what I can control—my own thoughts, actions, and responses—while letting go of the need to please everyone else.
Today, I strive to live by these principles, knowing that God's love and guidance are always with me. I find peace in knowing that I am enough just as I am, regardless of what others may say or think. And I extend that same love and acceptance to those around me who are hurting, knowing that we are all on this journey together.
God and the Al-Anon program have been my anchors in stormy seas. They have taught me to find peace amidst criticism, to focus on what I can control, and to love those who are hurting. Through their teachings, I have found strength, courage, and serenity. And for that, I am truly grateful.

God is good and God is love - please keep that in your heart and travel forward safely on your path to recovery. You gottawanna be happy , joyus and free.