A stalker is someone who knows all about one person, yet the other person knows nothing about them. Stalkers find out their victim's phone number, address, family members' names and ages, etc. They follow them around school, try to listen in on their conversations, check their profile online, and make it their goal to find out as much information about their victim as possible. Stalkers are very creepy..

You see, you might be thinking a lot about someone you barely know because you are actually obsessed.
The definition of obsession is to think about someone or something constantly.
You are thinking about this person in a way that is unhealthy and you may be unable to stop yourself.
If you feel like you can’t stop thinking about someone to the point where you are distracted from your real life, then you might be obsessed with them.
This is definitely not a good sign! Obsession is usually an indicator that there’s something wrong in your life.
The reason for your obsession can stem from different sources.
Some signs you are dealing with actual obsession are:
you stalk them on social media
you seek out information about them all of the time
you are overwhelmed with anxiety about something you said or did to them or vice versa
you constantly want attention from that person
You might be feeling obsessed because you don’t want to let go of the possibility of something good happening.
If this sounds like you, then it’s safe to assume that you’ve had a rough patch in your life lately.
Maybe things haven’t been going well at work, or perhaps a relationship ended badly.
This can make it hard for you to imagine feeling happy again and if you believe this person could be your happiness, then it makes sense why they’re on your mind so much.
However, happiness never stems from another person, it is always something that comes from within.
You see, other people can make it easier for us to find that happiness within, but they aren’t necessary to do it!
Before you let all your happiness depend on one single person and their behavior, take a step back and try to find your own happiness first.
The thing is, if you were to get into a relationship with this person right away, chances are that you will have some very unhealthy behavior patterns because you are terrified of losing “your happiness”.
Simply put, there are 4 different attachment styles: anxious, secure, avoidant, and fearful.
If you have an anxious attachment style, you are likely to be very needy and clingy with potential partners.
You need constant reassurance that this person likes you and would never leave you.
This can be a tricky thing to deal with because it can sometimes lead to relationships that aren’t healthy or long-lasting.
The best way to deal with an anxious attachment style is to work on yourself and your self-esteem!
Before you get into a relationship, it’s important for you to figure out what makes YOU happy.
This is the only way for you to know what exactly it is that will make your relationship (with anyone) happy.
So, what does that mean for you if you have an anxious attachment style?
Well, you feel a sense of safety and comfort with this person that makes you want to be around them all the time.
You want to know everything about them and constantly check up on them via social media or text messages.
You might even find yourself being jealous of others who are interested in this person too.
In my own experience, it can be hard to deal with an anxious attachment style. The best thing to do is to either work on yourself alone or seek out help from a professional.
In order to find out your attachment style, take a simple quiz online and then do some research on the attachment style you have.
I promise, no matter what your attachment style is, learning more about it will improve all of your relationships!
If you’re feeling obsessed with someone you barely know, it’s possible you are more prone to codependency.
What is codependency?
Basically, it’s an unhealthy attachment to a romantic partner.
This can lead to feeling jealous and possessive of your partner and wanting to be in constant contact with them.
Codependency is difficult because it makes you feel insecure and afraid that your partner will leave you.
It’s an extremely painful thing to deal with and can cause you to be very jealous, clingy, and possessive of your partner.
So what should you do if you know that you’re prone to codependency?
This is a very real issue and it can be hard to deal with.
You are likely to have some unhealthy behavior patterns that can lead you down the wrong path.
he first thing you need to do is examine your own self-esteem.
If you feel good about yourself and know what makes YOU happy, then it’s likely that you will have healthy relationships in the future.
You may be drawn to people who cause a lot of drama or chaos in your life.
It could be that you’ve had a lot of people come into and out of your life, which has led to a pattern of always being obsessed with the person you just met out of fear that they will leave again.
If this sounds like you, try reaching out to a friend or therapist for support.